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10:47 P.M. - Saturday, Nov. 14, 2009
Awesome wedding
We had a wonderful time in Florida and at the wedding�my daughter�gorgeous! We had the perfect day light breeze, sunny, and not too hot.

I was asked to write a poem for the wedding and wrote it on the fly�here is the first draft�I sent the revised copy to my daughter right before we left. How honored I felt when they had it read. (I need to get the final copy that was read at the wedding) But this will do for now as I want to share it with all of you before tomorrow when my seven 12-hour shifts begin...

North and south their lives began.
A pretty tiny dancer�a handsome golfer man.
Free to fly their wings did take flight.
But in loveless marriages they lost the fight

Now a mommy with two sons she adored,
Life filled with work new roads not explored.
Her pockets now empty her heart filled with love
Searching inward for answers, and help from above.

He now alone found comfort in a back corner booth,
Eyes on a pretty young dancer but his manner aloof .
With pen in hand she took orders for food,
A quick catch of his eye he did nothing but brood.

They chatted one day then talked into the night,
Their lives oh so different but some how it felt right.
A smile and a nod and he looked a bit smug,
When he saw his little dancer fill an empty beer mug.

A whirl wind romance, not how their story unfolds,
Their past lives and baggage were mighty heavy loads.
Months turned to years as they let go of the past,
found solace in each other lighting fires that would last

They each held a candle�a candle of love,
Two flames burning brightly lighting heavens above.
Her sons how they captured this handsome mans heart,
As their lives started to merge into a hopeful new start.

A home to call theirs as a new life took form,
Surrounded by love another baby boy was soon born.
With three sons so loved they became a family of five,
Through trials and tribulations their love did survive.

As they stand here together after seven magnificent years,
A mommy dancer, a dad golfer their eyes filled with tears
Not from sorrow, but joy �as they join to be one
As husband and wife the triumph of love has won.

The candles they held�those candles of love
Now one flame burns brightly lighting heavens above
As vows are exchanged, her last name becomes Roy
All those that are witness have hearts filled with joy.

North and south their lives have began.
A pretty tiny dancer�a handsome golfer man.
Free to fly their wings did take flight.
A marriage filled with love, is a beautiful sight.

Exchanging vows on the lake�My daughter Nicky-my son-in-law Chad

My three grandsons, Mikey -Nicholas- Shane

My Great grand daughter Allye


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