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6:14 A.M. - Saturday, Feb. 14, 2009
In the Dark
It�s been awhile since I have up-dated�we keep losing electric. The big ice storm missed us and we didn�t get a large amount of snow but we got a mixed bag and with it came power outage. Colder temps followed the storm so dirt lanes became slippery ice rinks.

Early last week was a wonderful change in the weather almost three days in the high 50�s/60�s. Spring fever hit this area even as cars and trucks were sliding on muddy dirt roads�my SUV sunk in a sloppy, goopy, mud pond; we once called our �driveway.� If not for 4-wheel drive I would have had to have it pulled out. This was short lived when the powerful winds came�trees came down, signs were ripped off the poles, and power outage all across the area. I wrote two entries and both times the power left me in the dark losing all I had written.

I spent two of my off days over at the new house helping clean and making mental notes where to put our belongings. They have left us some furniture�I can�t keep from thinking about the awesome dinning room table with six chairs. It reminded me of a dream I had about a place �out there� waiting for us to find. Very weird.

From Dr�s appointments, helping get our new place ready to move into, working, and coming home to mentally pack this place, time once again is flying by. Thursday the power was out when I got home after a long day of work�yesterday soon after I got up power went out once again. I can�t pack much in the dark. The new house is almost ready. We have the two bedrooms and basement left to clean, a new refrigerator is on the way, the carpet cleaners are scheduled and then the move out of the country and to the small little town. I can�t wait.

The hardest part of keeping up with my Diary and reading many of my cyber friend�s writings is this blasted dial-up connection I have. When we make the move to our new place I will once again have high speed. It will not take longer to open a page than it does to write an entry. Some times when I am on-line I feel like I am riding a bicycle on the freeway�I can�t keep up.

Within the next few weeks I will once again be reading Diaries, surfing the net, and still have time to keep up with my day to day goings on. I look forward to that day�and the days following. Maybe then I will be able to post my thoughts not just have them racing through my mind�waiting on a page to open. I hope my grammar is fit�the lights are flickering once again�I just might be back in the dark.

Happy Valentines Day�I�m off to work.



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