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12:22 P.M. - Wednesday, Apr. 25, 2007
"Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will."

Mahatma Gandhi

The staples are out of my back as of Monday afternoon. Dr said the incision looked good, healing as it should. The pain is a bit more intense than before staples were removed and what an ugly scar. Oh well it's in the healing process. I am to walk as much as I can, each day increasing walk time. I can slowly get back into easy Yoga; this will strengthen muscles that have been neglected. I was very pleased about being encouraged to reopen the Yoga door. I have missed stretching and the energized way I felt. This requires slow starts; steps I take will be with caution knowing not to rush the healing process.

He told me no horseback riding for at least six months, I didn't freak about how long what I smiled about was knowing someday I'll do the things I once did. How awesome.

The downer is he doesn't want me to return to work for another four to six weeks. His estimation is June 5th, then only light duty and fewer hours to start with, no 12-hour shifts for a while.

After OMG financial thinking I sat back and thought, this will be the first spring on the mountain that I will witness without the click of a time clock at work.

We might struggle longer financially but I'll have some me time that in the past I only day dreamed about while working in a closed building with no windows.

Instead of worrying about what-ifs, I am going to enjoy each day as it unfolds. There is nothing I can do to change what happened to bring me to this day I might as well enjoy the gift of today everyday. In addition, I could consider this as a blessing, a chance to stop and witness sunrise/sunset. This cannot be all bad learning there is much more to life than what we can or cannot afford. Our time is priceless.



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