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10:46 A.M. - Saturday, Mar. 31, 2007
One Shot Deal
I was in the medical building 4 hours for the out patient procedure. They took me to a room, did all the norms IV, blood pressure machine, thingy on finger, and asked me all the interesting questions;

"Do you have a living will?

"You bet--pull that damn plug...wait where is it I'll pull it myself."

"Are you an organ donor?"

"Yep, what do you need?"

They asked me if I wanted my husband to come in and wait with me,

"He's working two hours from here."

"Whoever brought you they can come in and wait with you."

"Oh my dad�he is in the parking lot some where. I think he is more afraid of hospitals than I am, plus he really likes his vehicle."

"If we need him?"

"No problem I left my cell in the car he'll answer it."

They asked me if I needed any thing,

"I'll give some one $300.00 for a cup of coffee."

After watching some very cool TV shows we do not get on the mountain of three channels if we are lucky, they came in and took the bed and me to the procedure room.

I was moved from a very comply bed on an ironing board, at least that is what it looked like.

Three others assisted the Dr and I while laying on my stomach buried my face in the pillow and took my mind to another place. I recalled him saying for a moment all the pain would return but that will be a good sign, as they will know they were injecting the cortisone into the right place. No big surprise then when it did come back. I think I left my DNA on the board my hand was resting on.

They took pictures and I was rolled back to that little room. I had to wait an hour before I could leave; you know the blood pressure thing, will my feet come out of their sleep and could I walk after my lower body woke up. The nurse asked if I needed any thing.

"I'll give someone a million bucks for a cup of coffee."

"Cream or surgar?"

My day complete.

They called my dad on my cell and he picked me up at the door, phew, it was over, I am sure dad was relieved as much as or even more so than I was. I don't think he likes his Dodge van as much as much as he use to.

We stopped at a little restaurant and had a nice lunch; it was almost two in the afternoon and I had not eaten since the night before. That silly rule no food or drink after midnight. I stayed up until midnight and drank water.

Now I wait 24 to 48 hours and then go back to the things I was doing before I went to the neurosurgeon, limited work duties (give work at least a week before returning) and PT. Dr explained this procedure did not fix the problem it gives the body time to heal itself, with less pain. I can have three injections a year if needed, but if the pain down my leg comes back within a few weeks, the shots will not help and they will schedule surgery.

This morning I feel good, something feels different in my back and most the pain is gone. I'll take it easy for the next few days as suggested and then go back to my normal activities.

I do hope I will not be making any more trips to the big city; I will convince myself this was a one shot deal. (No pun intended)



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