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11:52 A.M. - Thursday, Apr. 06, 2006
Hand shadows
Shadows, I see them everywhere present to past
The soul longs to be heard her ancient voice is rasp
Memories dance within my mind like fire flies in the night
Tears consumed within my essence before they reach the light

A distant hand reaches out as I cower not wanting to touch
At times I wonder why HE has given me too much�too much
The world seems large, earthy visits short, distant voices loud
Too many nameless faces getting lost among the crowd

A voice is heard then quickly silenced because of a distant chant
A scream pierces the night awakening all with a mindless rant
Words need to be absorbed not choking one to ruin
Weaving through the mind in soft melody with heavenly tune

Exploring life through childish eyes place shadows on the wall
Dancing little animal fingers laughter down the hall
With every step I take memories are given birth
The up the downs, twists and turns each breath is given worth



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