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5:51 A.M. - Sunday, Mar. 09, 2008
What planet do I live on?
I got a call last night from PA I picked up the call thinking it was a friend or my son, it was husband, first time I have heard his voice from the day he left in February. "How was I" he had asked. I had very little to say as my mind was in a protective mode, why call after almost a month asking. He went on to explain he is in the long process of filing for disability, changed his truck insurance to an affordable rate and was living with family.

He explained he had applied for state aid, food stamps, supplemental income, and possible housing. I was relieved he is moving forward with his life. Many years are between us and I wish nothing but peace for my distant husband. A moment of silence deep breaths and he continued to explain in order to receive income via the state he had to reach across the states and file for spousal support.


He told me he informed them he couldn't do that, therefore he was denied help. He explained his hands are tied if he doesn't file the papers he has no income, if he files I'd hate him. He was at a loss as what to do at this point. He can't work or his disability claim would be cast to the wind�damn if he does visa versa.

At this point, my ends don't meet, I need overtime or a second income, the few bills that we had left between us are in the form of harassing calls that came to me, thank you. I set up payments that I wonder if I can follow through with or risk the possibility of my meager wages being attacked.

The big howdy do was his dilemma once again, my mind was in a tail spin of all the years I raised my kids without a dime of child support, always working two jobs or long hours to keep us afloat. Now�possible spousal support?

My hands were shaky after I got off the phone while he contemplates his next move. Would I be willing to relocate back to PA was his suggestion. Oh my gosh yes I thought�right back into the lions den, you bet I'll come racing back.

I didn't sleep well last night but I have faith, not in our justice system by no means. My faith is knowing I am being watched over, I am not alone, and God has a plan.

As I struggle with thoughts of getting ready for another workday, I ponder thought's of walking off the job and applying for spousal support myself, but what would be the use, after all I must be living on Mars.



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