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5:26 A.M. - Saturday, Nov. 25, 2006
Last Tuesday I left work for a couple of hours to go to the Dr. I decided I needed to find out why I was so tired all the time and not feeling well.

Allergies, sinus infection, and a secondary lung infection is what the test came back as. I am on several kinds of meds and will call back in two weeks to find out what the next course of action will be. I already received the flu shot several weeks ago. At least now I know what was causing the extreme tiredness and know soon I will be on the mend.

My plans to spend the holiday with family diminished, as I was too tired to make the trip down the mountain and with cough and nasty sinus, I felt I might pass on part of my problems to loved ones. My hubby already came down with the cough and sinus drainage the morning of Thanksgiving.

I fixed one of those easy in the box dinners where the turkey was already cooked; I picked it up at Wally Thanksgiving Eve after a terrible day at work. I felt all I was doing was fighting to stay awake all day. I did make a green been casserole and a fruit salad to go with it. The rest of my time at home, I slept.

They (bosses) had asked volunteers to work Thanksgiving Day and black Friday, even though the money would have been fantastic, I couldn't make it.

I had it perfectly planned, get up early work from 6am to 1 pm then go to my brothers and enjoy a family get-together. Even hubby offered to drive me in and go with me. The box turkey was my plan to fix on Friday to have left overs for the week. Thanksgiving for us is somewhat about those leftover turkey sandwiches. I figured after a few days on the meds I would bounce back and feel much better. Not so, this time I still feel weak, tired, and irritable and I have three days to work starting this am. One shift is supposed to be 16 hours, we have the home office making their yearly visit on Weds and we are in need of a major cleanup.

I must (so they say) attend the banquet next Weds given in appreciation for goals we have all exceeded. I honestly do not feel they will miss my presence if I am feeling down at that time.

I must get ready for a new day, still feeling like crapola with lack of energy. I know this is temporary and soon the meds will kick in and I will again feel that burst of energy and get back to Yoga, my writing, and just enjoying the walks through the woods during these awesome fall days. When I get a day off. Sigh�today that sounds wonderful, just to sleep.



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