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9:25 A.M. - Friday, Sept. 29, 2006
Day one back from vacation�
I am back from my trip and still have not allowed my mind to drift too far away from this incredible journey. Am I being over dramatic, calling this vacation a journey?

I think not as I sit back and reflect all that was orchestrated in a week's time, the visits were awesome, and the time shared was unforgettable.

I have tried to write about this trip a few times but find words inadequate and the entree flittering through my head was more of a novel.

I have decided to write about my trip in snippets, and for the next several entries write a bit of detail with a photo from my visit. I'll see how this works.

Day one: Four hour drive to airport, met nice lady and shared coffee and conversation waiting for departure time. We had much in common, odd when a smile and a bit of small talk can blossom into a wonderful morning instead of being alone.

Plane trips, (yes two) were without incident as I love to fly. Met my daughter and youngest grandson at the Orlando airport this was my first in person glimpse of my youngest grandchild. Too much for words and he warmed up to me almost immediately, OK so I lost a cool key chain and half the belongings I could come up with at the airport but I finally got a beautiful smile.

My youngest drove me through once familiar areas that I no longer recognized. It has been over 18 years that I lived in Florida and almost five from my last visit. She found her new home they are buying and my heart beat steady and calm knowing her life is indeed a good one.

I believe every parent longs for each of their children to struggle less, have fewer painful experiences, and to sail across calmer seas of life than we as parents did. Although this youngest of mine has felt her share of raging storms for now I feel blessed as I see a glow and a sparkle within her eyes, that sends out the vibes�its all good now.

One by one my other two grandsons came bouncing in from school, adorable! What else could a mawmaw feel seeing two (very active) and healthy growing grandkids. They remembered me�how totally awesome.

Back in the car for the drive to another little town outside of Orlando to greet my first born daughter as she had arrived home from jury duty, and my17 year old granddaughter returning home from school.

I never made it out of the car, I saw a flash as this beautiful girl landed on me before I could get out, she had me in a bear hug, death grip. For a lost time in eternity neither of us wanted to let go�Lord how I have missed my family.

A smile crosses my face even now as I recall the moment, her smell, her touch, even as life can block the glow from your eyes, a hug from a loved one, a child, can bring it back within a moment and you know all steps we take to this point in life was worth it.

As tears again flow I found my first born too has found a comfort zone in her life. She is a successful young adult and has little struggles besides pits and bumps in the road of life. I am glowing knowing financially both my girls have paved a road with minimal struggles through day to day. Thank God for their faith, strength's, determination, grit, and hard work that landed them in places where smiles and laughter echo from the walls.

For a brief time I was once again part of their beautiful world and loved every breath. Their wings have grown with strength and dignity and both have found a place to land and continue the cycle of love with their family's snuggled for now beneath their wings.

Hold tight beautiful girls one day when your hands must open with faith, love, hope, and trust your little ones will test their own wings. Life here in the flesh is too short, continue to dance, smile, and drink in the beauty all around you.

first born, granddaughter, me, & our baby girl


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