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5:42 p.m. - 2004-09-17
In the now...

I had stated to write in my diary this afternoon when I noticed the sun sending rays into my computer room. What was I doing sitting at my desk when the sun was beckoning?

Picking up a book I took my place on the porch. I couldn't seem to concentrate on the words when my mind was garbled with so much of what's going on in my life. I decided to try some mind relaxation tips I read about. Being in the moment was what this over active mind needed.

Sitting on the porch Indian style I closed my eyes and concentrated on my breathing. I listened to the internal workings of my body. It was a clear sunny day not a cloud in the sky. In my minds eye I gave each thought that come to mind a tiny puff of a cloud and sent it slowly on its way.

I could picture my thought of work being placed on this wispy cloud and watch it float by. I did this with every thought that managed to make an appearance while I was residing in the now.

At one point I opened my eyes and looked at the sky. Still the bluest blue and nothing but the sun looking back at me. In my minds eye I could see those little drifting clouds each with a thought of another time or place filling the skies.

Staying in the moment was interesting. No worries, no fear, no distraction. When I opened my eyes and rescanned the view I saw a little squirrel racing up and down a tree. I watched a hawk circle it's prey off in the distance. I looked out over the mountains and marveled at Our Lords creation. How interesting while leaving the mind open thanks and appreciation take over.

For over an hour I sat outside just gazing, feeling a peace within my self I have not felt for some time. It was my time, my drifting thoughts, my place for freedom.

I decided to do a bit of exercising and gave stretch to this body. I felt absolutely wonderful.

Sitting here now thinking about my afternoon I realize what a wonderful experience I had. I plan to go back to that place�that moment (this moment) and continue to live in the now. I remember reading where yesterday is a memory�tomorrow is an illusion. I think I like it right here in the now�this moment.



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